My father, César, always thought that I would eventually assume responsibility for running his grill restaurant in Ecuador, but at the age of twenty, I moved to Germany and became a vegetarian.Ten years later, when my father phoned me for the first time since I had settled in Germany, he told me that his restaurant was going bust, that he had debts with a number of loan sharks and at the bank, and that he hadn't paid any rent for over two years. I suddenly had the feeling that life in Ecuador, which until recently had seemed so distant, was tangibly close, and that saving this restaurant could be our first joint project.What began as an absurd debate about opening hours, Excel tables and wholesale market prices, evolved to become a touching family drama with much music and song.
- Taglines
- In order to rescue his father’s ramshackle grill restaurant, the film-maker is travelling back to his homeland Ecuador.
- Release Date15/01/2013
- Languages
- Production Companies
- Distributors
- Filming Locations
- Ecuador, Germany
- Production Dates
- 07/02/2011 - 30/11/2013
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Theresa Jordan
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